The Qi of Art: Inspired by Nature explores nature through paintings and sculptures
A pair of artists are showcasing their mutual love of nature in The Qi of Art: Inspired by Nature, Parkside Art Gallery’s next show.
The Qi of Art: Inspired by Nature is made up of the combined works of artists and friends Dawn Miller and Birgit Bienek. Miller brings her acrylic paintings of natural beauty while Bienek rovides a selection of soapstone carvings of animals.
“I love painting nature and landscapes so it was just an easy fit. Our work is very harmonious together,” Miller remarked. “We kind of just do our own thing and thought it would be nice to do a show together.”
Originally from Germany, Bienk made the South Cariboo her home in 1991 and has loved living in the community. A lifelong artist, Bienek has experimented with several different mediums throughout her life before recently getting into soapstone carving.
Bienek said she took a workshop with the owner of Stone Bear Gallery and local soapstone carver Vance Theoret in 2020. This workshop combined with the COVID-19 pandemic inspired her to get into carving in a studio set up in her home near Walker Valley in 108 Mile Ranch.
“I just loved (soapstone carving) from the first moment. I started with a few chunks of stone and some tools and just went at it,” Bienek said. “I’ve been passionate about it ever since. One thing that always starts me is how you start with a chunk of stone that doesn’t really look like anything and as you work on it, through sanding and polishing it, it reveals its beauty. Every stone is different and there are so many wow moments in the process.”
Miller, meanwhile, practices Chinese medicine in 100 Mile House and enjoys painting in her free time. She remarks that she finds the act of painting to be deeply relaxing and finds it almost meditative.
She takes her inspiration from the natural beauty around her, including the landscapes and animals of the Cariboo. Miller has selected a wide range of these paintings for the show.
“There’s a mix of Cariboo-influence and coastal influence. Most of them are new paintings, I just have one old owl painting I’ll out in just to show how my style has progressed,” Miller remarked.
Bienek remarked that throughout her life she has always enjoyed incorporating nature into her artwork in some way. In the past she would make art using driftwood, some examples of which she’s added to some of her carvings for The Qi of Art: Inspired by Nature.
“Nature, I think, is artistry, so this is what I’m drawing from,” Bienek remarked. “I use hand tools and I like that because all my life I’ve worked with my hands.”
When asked why they wanted to do a show together, Bienek said she wanted to do one but didn’t feel she had enough art to justify doing a solo show. She added that she likes Miller, who shares her love of nature, and was happy to team up with her to put on The Qi of Art: Inspired by Nature.
“I think it works well together, our different mediums. She paints and I carve,” Bienek explained. “The essence of art is in nature, in a way, and we are both very much inspired by nature.”
The Qi of Art: Inspired by Nature opens on Saturday, Oct. 12 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Parkside Art Gallery. Miller will be on hand to answer questions, though Bienek is currently travelling and unable to attend the opening. The show runs until Nov. 5.
“With my work I kind of hope to inspire people to open their eyes, go out into nature, walk around and be curious,” Bienek concluded.