Some of the pupils art work on display
THE pupils of Citywest Educate Together National School showed their artistic side last week when their school hall was transformed into an art gallery for the week.
The gallery featured a vibrant collection of artwork by the pupils, that was inspired by a variety of artists, including Jackson Pollock and Vincent Van Gogh.
As people took in the arresting artwork, the gallery featured a soundtrack of classical Disney songs, to the delight of the children and their proud parents.
Louise Maguire, an SNA in Citywest ETNS, told The Echo: “Every class took part in our fantastic art showcase, from junior infants all the way up to sixth class.
“Also taking part were our early intervention class and our primary age class for children with autism.
“Each class group took inspiration from different artists and art styles, from Jackson Pollock to Van Gogh to Paul Klee.
“The students used lots of different materials to create their art pieces including, paint, papier mâché, balloons, cardboard, paper, recycled bottle caps, fabric, buttons, magazines and even vegetables!
“Our school art gallery was open last week to the public and each morning and afternoon the families of the students were invited in to visit and enjoy the art showcase.
“The turnout was brilliant!” The event was the brainchild of support teacher Jenna Boland and was a resounding success with pupils, parents and staff alike.
“Every one of the children enjoyed it, and they were excited to see their work on display and to bring their parents in to show them,” added Ms Maguire.
“It’s the first year we’ve done it, and I’d say we might [do it again].
“It was very popular, and very well received.
“It was a lot of work to put everything in place, but once you do it once you can do it again.”