Weymouth College students across all levels of Art, Design and Photography courses unveiled their end of year art exhibition ‘Interwoven’.
Members of the public are invited to view the work in the art block until Friday, June 28.
As previously reported, the college has been looking to the public to help raise funds for its new gallery project. As well as showcasing works from students, the gallery will be open to the community, featuring work from local artists.
Plans for the new gallery at Weymouth College (Image: Weymouth College) It has now emerged the college had already committed £15,000 to the project, with a fundraising campaign launched for the remaining £15,000.
Plans are for the gallery to be built using recycled and reclaimed materials by community volunteers.
Crowds at the official launch of Weymouth College’s sustainable gallery project (Image: Weymouth College) The college has been working on the project with Newmakers Bureau, b-Side Arts Festival, Houseworks, The Arts Development Company and other stakeholders for the past few months, with the project officially launched at the ‘Interwoven’ exhibition.
Students’ work currently on display in the ‘Interwoven’ exhibition, open to the public until June 28 (Image: Weymouth College)
The proposed octagonal shape of the gallery was mapped out in real size on the site where it will be built, on a currently unused grass area close to the college’s art department and Bay Theatre.
Plans by the architectural firm Newmakers Bureau were on display and visitors were able to make donations to the project and suggest names for the gallery.
Students receive awards for their work in the ‘Interwoven’ exhibition (Image: Weymouth College) Former Weymouth College student, Jodie House, the managing director of community arts organisation Houseworks Dorset, ran a collaging workshop throughout the evening, reflecting the sessions she has been hosting with local young people.
Jenny Stiling, a member of the college’s Board of Governors, and Martin Oliver, Director of Curriculum, gave speeches thanking those who had supported the project so far. They emphasised how the gallery will benefit the whole community.
Director of Curriculum Martin Oliver spoke about how the gallery will benefit the wider community (Image: Weymouth College) Mr Oliver said: “This is not just about creating an opportunity and resource for our students; we’re looking much wider than that to create a space to showcase the talents of local artists and the wider community.”
Students’ work currently on display in the ‘Interwoven’ exhibition, open to the public until June 28 (Image: Weymouth College) There were queues out the door as students’ parents, families and friends flocked to the opening of the exhibition and for the gallery project launch.
Several students were also presented with awards for the work they were exhibiting.
To find out more about the gallery and support the fundraising campaign, visit www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/weymouth-college