The work collection “Decorator Club” introduces Iigawa’s “Decorator Club” series, which began in 2007, and traces the activities of the ambitious but ultimately unrealized project for a 26-meter-tall “Mr. Kobayashi, the Pink Cat” in Nishi Park, Aoba Ward, Sendai, planned in collaboration with Sendai Mediatheque. The exhibition will showcase various aspects of Iigawa’s activities, including a part of “Mr. Kobayashi, the Pink Cat” previously exhibited in Namiki, Kanazawa Ward, Yokohama City, historical plan drawings, documentary footage of the project process, and previously unpublished series that couldn’t be included in the work collection.
Talk Event
Date: Saturday, August 17, 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM (Reception starts at 2:30 PM)
Venue: Live Art Gallery (LAG)
Speakers: Takehiro Iigawa (Artist), Eriko Kimura (Curator, Director of Hirosaki Brick Warehouse Museum), Kenji Kai (Artistic Director, Sendai Mediatheque)
Admission Fee: ¥1000
Capacity: 40 people (Reservation required)
*For event details and reservation methods, please check the official website.