Thane: A 42-year-old woman doctor from Khoni in Dombivli lost more than Rs 30 lakh after a caller lured her into buying cryptocurrency, police said on Friday. The doctor received a call claiming that a parcel allegedly sent by her to Thailand on July 24 contained suspicious items. She was then tricked into downloading a mobile application and was lured into purchasing cryptocurrency worth Rs 30 lakh.pti
We also published the following articles recently
18-year-old Delhi woman raped in Aligarh hotel after job lure
Police in Aligarh registered an FIR after an 18-year-old Dalit woman from Delhi was allegedly raped under the pretext of a job offer. Lured by a man named ‘Saurabh,’ she was drugged and attacked at a hotel. She managed to reach out for help, leading to the investigation and search for the accused.
Police in Aligarh registered an FIR after an 18-year-old Dalit woman from Delhi was allegedly raped under the pretext of a job offer. Lured by a man named ‘Saurabh,’ she was drugged and attacked at a hotel. She managed to reach out for help, leading to the investigation and search for the accused.
18-year-old Delhi woman raped in Aligarh hotel after job lure
An 18-year-old Dalit woman from Delhi was allegedly raped after being lured with a job offer in Aligarh. She called her aunt and reported the incident to the police, who then registered a case and began searching for the accused. The woman was taken for medical tests, and further investigations are ongoing.
An 18-year-old Dalit woman from Delhi was allegedly raped after being lured with a job offer in Aligarh. She called her aunt and reported the incident to the police, who then registered a case and began searching for the accused. The woman was taken for medical tests, and further investigations are ongoing.
Mumbai: 13-year-old girl swallows pin, doctors retrieve it from her lung
A 13-year-old girl from Rajapur, Maharashtra, narrowly avoided serious harm after swallowing a pin. Doctors successfully removed it from her lung’s lower lobe using emergency bronchoscopy. Despite immediate concerns, the child remained stable and was discharged the same day. This incident highlights the prompt medical intervention and skilled procedures involved.
A 13-year-old girl from Rajapur, Maharashtra, narrowly avoided serious harm after swallowing a pin. Doctors successfully removed it from her lung’s lower lobe using emergency bronchoscopy. Despite immediate concerns, the child remained stable and was discharged the same day. This incident highlights the prompt medical intervention and skilled procedures involved.